Historic Preservation (U.S.), Heritage Preservation, or Heritage Conservation (U.K.) is the research, conservation, and protection of our built environment. The movement to preserve and conserve buildings, objects, landscapes, and artifacts of significance is essential in today’s rapidly changing world. Historic Preservation encourages the conservation and adaptation of buildings with historical or cultural importance to protect elements of past architecture and design for future generations. Buildings can individually be preserved to last longer with upgrades of failing materials, refreshed interior finishes, modernization of electricity and plumbing changes over the decades, and refurbishing of new heating, ventilating, and cooling systems. Historic streets can be preserved and maintained. Historic Preservation is good for our planet and allows the beauty of past architecture and spaces to connect history and past stories with the present. Reusing existing buildings and spaces is more sustainable than building new ones.
Activity 1 – What is a historic building, space, or place?

Buildings and environments represent the heritage of earlier generations and share the history of past people, cultures, societies, technologies, crafts, and economies. Therefore, these structures and places are considered historic. How can you tell if a building is historical? Most historical buildings or places may have a plaque or sign marking the year it was built and possibly talk about its history. This is the first indicator that could help identify if a building is historic. Normally these signs are placed in front, beside, or even on a historical site so that it is visible. Others may display plaques, or signs, declaring that a place is registered by an organization as being historic.
Depending on your continent, the historic places represent human evolution and migration. Some sites are archaeological digs uncovering living in centuries past. Others are monuments like the Great Pyramids on the Nile, built as tombs thousands of years ago. You may live in a newer country with a recorded history of only the past 400 years. The challenge in this activity is to understand the time frame of human existence in your surroundings. Who were the original Indigenous peoples? How did they live? What still exists? Finding historic buildings in your neighborhood is easy. Just take a walk and look around to find buildings that appear older either by their appearance or by weathering. Buildings that are at least fifty years old often contain history, and stories of past lives, and may mark significant events. Older Buildings often display traditional craft, ornamentation, and carved or sculpted details around windows, doors, columns, or roof edges. Find two buildings that look historic. Photograph or draw them and label key details that make you think they are historic.
Activity 2 – Landmarks

Landmarks are neighborhoods, buildings, objects, and cultural landscapes that capture our imagination and stand out as chapters from the past. These structures and environments represent the heritage of past generations. Their history is our history. Their history is your history. Depending on your country, and your city, the age of past civilizations varies. Take a look at where you live. Where are the oldest neighborhoods, buildings, monuments, and cultural landscapes in your community?
Landmarks tell stories of past peoples and events; they are essential cultural elements in cities that have endured over time and are recognized by multiple generations. They speak to what life was like and what it is now and inform the present architecture that is added. Landmark buildings are structures recognized locally, by the state, nationally, and sometimes even internationally. Find landmarks in your city. Make a map of their locations and on the map place photographs or pictures of the landmarks. Be sure to add the title of your city, a North arrow on the map, and the names of each historic landmark.
Research the history of landmarks and you will learn about the history of where you live. Make a poster map of your city with photographs of the major landmark buildings. Share it with your class. Upload it to the NEXT.cc Gallery.
Activity 3 – Researching Historic Structures and Properties

The Historic Sites Survey and National Historic Landmarks Program offers significant resources to start researching a building.
University and public libraries are also good places to start. Look up a site by its address or its name.. If the building or public space has been heavily modified, it’s possible it won’t be included. Databases like the United States Landmark Commission directly identify and provide history about historic places and are also good places to start your research.
If you know the historic name, architect, or date of construction, try a pro-quest search of local newspapers. They may yield information about the function or use, the historical form, the technology used, the building’s role in the neighborhood, who built it, and even perhaps why it was made. It might also provide information about when it was planned, and completed, and how much it cost.
Construction drawings of historical projects are archived in various places. Some architecture firms keep archives. Local History Museums, various university collections, public libraries, and historical archives offer possibilities for research.
Find a building that interests you in your city and research its history, significance, architect, and year of construction. Upload your research and a drawing to the gallery!
Activity 4 – Historic Districts or Neighborhoods

Some places are designated as historic neighborhoods or districts. These areas are full of many buildings recognized for their historical significance, endurance, the character of building languages or styles, contribution to the quality of life, and connections with area identity, even if the identity changed over time. Historic neighborhoods might be abandoned or thriving with third to tenth generations stewarding them. A flourishing historic district is visible when walking around and through it. Take a look at NEXT.cc’s Cultural Walks Journey and see how neighborhoods can be enriched with history and cultural artifacts. It exudes a sense of stewardship, care, and service to multiple generations. The historic district that has been abandoned looks sad, empty, and often full of housing that is falling apart. Even the abandoned neighborhood is worth saving as, at one time, it supported a thriving community. That healthy community can return with the right amount of encouragement and investment. Look at these series of sketches and stories about historic China Towns in the United States. Locate a Historic neighborhood in your city and research and document its history.
Activity 5 – Historic Preservation in the United States

In the United States, a group of women became concerned with the decay of the first U.S. President George Washington’s residence on Mount Vernon. Initiated by Louisa Bird Cunningham, a group of women formed the Mount Vernon Ladies Association in 1853. Their goal was to raise money to restore Mount Vernon. It became the first historic preservation organization in the United States. Unfortunately, their work was delayed by CIVIL WAR activities. After the war, the women continued to raise money and worked to restore the house, the grounds, and the interiors. The first U.S. historic district was established in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1931, predating the U.S. federal government designation of Historic Districts by more than three decades. Charleston city government designated an “Old and Historic District” by local ordinance and created a board of architectural review to oversee it. Make a Timeline of the Historic Preservation Movement in the United States.
Activity 6 – World Heritage Preservation

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) signed a treaty in 1971 at a historical meeting known as the World Heritage Convention. It began a worldwide effort to treasure and preserve the built and natural sites of world significance. This step of collaboration among the members of the UNITED NATIONS established the responsibility for populations across the world to identify space and places that must be honored and protected and are essential for future generations to experience. First, determine which natural site was first declared a world heritage site. Then find the first building to be registered as a World Heritage site. Finally, make a poster for both and upload it to the gallery. Watch this top 100 hundred sites preserves by UNESCO World Heritage Video to learn more about preserving what historical places mean to the identity and character of neighborhoods, towns, villages, and cities.
Upload your poster to the gallery!
- 1. Reusing existing buildings can be more sustainable than building new ones
- 2. What is preserved for its great significance in the past and holds high cultural or historical value for the present and the future?
- 3. Select all that can be historically preserved.
- 4. What makes a building historical?
- What group was the first historic preservation organization in the United States?
- What does UNESCO stand for?
- What does UNESCO do in the role of Preservation?
- Africa World Heritage Sites
- Asia & Pacific World Heritage Sites
- Atlas of Reurbanism
- Atlas of Reurbanization
- Beyer Blinder Belle, NYC
- Cervin Robinson Architectural Photography
- Chicago Landmarks: Click for photos
- Citizen Guide to Historic Preservation PDF
- Cohen-Hacker
- David Brody Bond
- HALS Library on Congress
- Harboe Architects
- Harrison StringFellow UK
- Historical Architecture of Savannah Georgia
- Historic Districts in the USA
- Historic Milwaukee
- Historic Savannah Foundation Story
- Historic Site Survey and National Landmarks Program History PDF
- JGWA Architects
- Johnson Lasky Kindelin Architects
- Lapworth Architects UK
- Lst Buildings of St. Louis
- Mount Vernon Lady Association
- Mt. Vernon Virtual Tour
- NAT GEO What is UNESCO World Heritage
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- New South Associates, Stone Mountain, GA
- PPKZ Historic Preservation
- Teaching With Historic Places
- Technical Preservation Services
- The Korte Company
- TreanorHL Historic Preservation
- TRYBA Architects, Denver,CO
- UNESCO VIDEO Heritage Futures And Why Do They Matter?
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites France
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Danger
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites India
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites Latin America and the Caribbean
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites Spain
- US Historic China Towns
- Video VCU Brandcenter
- Vinci Hamp
- Women Made History
- 2D Geometry
- 7 Natural Wonders
- Building Types
- Chinese Architecture
- Classical Language
- Collaboration
- Concrete
- Cultural Walks
- Decoration
- Design Research
- Doors
- Drawing Types
- Facade Elements
- Glass
- Greek Architecture
- Green Building
- Housing Styles
- Masonry
- Materials
- Metals
- Neighborhood
- Photography
- Recycling
- Roman Architecture
- Site Analysis
- Site Programming
- Urban Design
- Vernacular Architecture
- Walls
- Windows
- Wood